Statement from SEIU 2015 President Arnulfo De La Cruz on the murder of Sonya Massey

Press Contact:
Terry Carter, 213 uies
July 24, 2024

“We condemn the heinous murder of Sonya Massey, a Black woman whose life was brutally taken by police violence in her own home as she sought their protection. This devastating event underscores the urgent need for systemic change and accountability within our law enforcement agencies. The roots of police and other forms of institutional violence in America lie in a system built on structural racism and white supremacy, disproportionately harming communities of color for far too long. SEIU Local 2015 remains steadfast in our commitment to fighting for a just society where the color of one’s skin has no bearing on their safety and where everyone has the right to thrive. As we celebrate the historic possibility of the first Black woman leading the Democratic presidential ticket, we are painfully reminded of the ongoing injustices faced by Black women across the country. Our members have been actively involved across the state in criminal justice reform, including electing and supporting district attorneys who uphold justice.  Imagine a home care provider—often a woman of color—needing to reach out to the police to protect against an intruder. We cannot tolerate a society where this caregiver has to think twice before calling the police because of the color of her skin. We will continue to demand justice for Sonya Massey and all victims of police violence, and we join the Biden-Harris White House in renewed calls to pass the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act.”