Local 2015 Constitution and Bylaws

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PREAMBLE –Mission statement


SEIU Local 2015 is California’s Long Term Care workers organization that will unleash the  collective power of long term care workers, their families, and their communities, harness the power of technology, and build a broad movement to disrupt the unjust status quo in order to bring lasting transformational change towards a more just society for all.

ARTICLE I – Name of our Local Union

This organization shall be known as SEIU Local 2015 (“Local 2015”, “Union” or “Local Union”). Local 2015 is affiliated with, and is a subordinate body of, the Service Employees International Union, CtW, CLC (“SEIU”).

ARTICLE II – Jurisdiction

SEIU Local 2015 jurisdiction is determined by our International Union. SEIU Local 2015 has jurisdiction for organizing and representing all long term care workers in the state of California and any other jurisdiction as assigned by the International Union.

ARTICLE III – Vision and Values

A. Vision:

SEIU Local 2015 is a diverse, ethical, and transparent 21st Century worker organization leading with vision, understanding, clarity, and agility, thereby thriving in an ever-changing world. Through the work of our members, by building partnerships, and embracing innovation and education, SEIU Local 2015 long term care workers will have achieved quality jobs that deliver livable wages, retirement security, respect, and the right to a union for all. SEIU Local 2015 will have placed the new American Dream within reach by ensuring the accessibility of quality long term care for seniors and people with disabilities, and securing a quality life for our communities which includes access to affordable quality healthcare and housing, safe neighborhoods, educational opportunities, and racial and environmental justice.

B. Values and Behaviors:

  • Leadership shows up when we organize others around a vision, take courageous action, build powerfully diverse relationships and inclusive teams, are accountable to results, are committed to demonstrating ethical standards and culture, and when we inspire others to learn more, dream more, do more and become more.
  • Compassion shows up when we create space in our hearts and minds to empathize with the suffering and challenges of others and reveal a pathway for solutions.
  • Empowerment shows up when every worker is given the opportunity to discover their leadership potential and exercise it on behalf of others.
  • Accountability shows up when we exercise every day self-reflection, ownership, and responsibility for one’s words, ideas and actions.
  • Transparency shows up when we ensure that open communication at all levels is used and promoted to build lasting trust among our members and for their organization.
  • Excellence shows up when we demonstrate the ability to find lessons in our successes and failures, opportunities to learn each day, and the desire to always strive for improvement.

ARTICLE IV – Membership

A. Membership Definitions 

  1. Regular membership 
    A Regular Member is any individual employed in a bargaining unit for which the Union is the recognized bargaining agent for matters relating to wages, hours and other terms and conditions of employment, any long term care worker who is actively engaged in an organizing campaign seeking recognition for SEIU Local 2015 as the exclusive bargaining representative, any Union officer or employee of SEIU Local 2015 who is not represented for the purposes of collective bargaining by another union; officers or employees of SEIU International who are admitted to membership by action of the Executive Board of SEIU Local 2015 and who pay the full dues. Where the term “member” is used throughout this Constitution and Bylaws, it shall refer to Regular Member unless otherwise specified.
  2. Associate Membership 
    Associate Membership is open to other persons who support the mission, vision and values of SEIU Local 2015, and are not employers of long term care workers who presently or could potentially hold a collective bargaining relationship with SEIU Local 2015 members and who pay dues. Associate Members shall enjoy all the rights and bear all the responsibilities outlined in this Constitution and Bylaws, except that they may not run for or hold elected office, vote in Union elections or votes or referenda of any kind, or file charges before a trial body, and may be suspended or expelled from membership by vote of the Executive Board without appeal. Associate Members may attend and, when recognized by the Chair, participate in Union meetings as observers. Associate Members may represent the Union as Union body representatives when approved by the Executive Board and consistent with the SEIU Constitution and Bylaws and all other applicable law. The Executive Board may deny Associate Membership requests.
  3. Displaced Member
    A Displaced Member is any worker who had been an active regular member and for whom unforeseen circumstances lasting longer than 6 months no longer allows them to work in a bargaining unit represented by SEIU Local 2015. A Displaced Member shall be required to continue paying the full dues rates for which they will have the right to access member benefits and to participate in Union meetings and vote on matters at such meetings except those related to bargaining agreements or internal Union governance issues. A Displaced Member shall not be entitled to hold leadership office. If during the first thirty (30) months in term of office, a member’s membership category changes to Displaced, his/her seat shall be vacated and the vacancy will be filled according to Article IX Section G of this Constitution and By-Laws. If the membership status change happens during the last six (6) months of the term, the member will be allowed to finish out the full term of which they were elected.
  4. Retiree Member 
    A Retiree Member is any worker who had been an active Regular Member in a bargaining unit represented by SEIU Local 2015; has officially retired from his/her care giver job; is not currently working in another job for which that bargaining unit is represented by SEIU Local 2015 and who pays dues. A Retiree Member shall enjoy all the rights and bear all the responsibilities outlined in this Constitution and Bylaws, except that they may not run for or hold elected office, vote in Union elections or votes or referenda of any kind, or file charges before a trial body, and may be suspended or expelled from membership by vote of the Executive Board without appeal. Retiree Members may attend and, when recognized by the Chair, participate in Union meetings as observers. Retiree Members may represent the Union as Union body representatives when approved by the Executive Board and consistent with the SEIU Constitution and Bylaws and all other applicable law. The Executive Board may deny Retiree membership requests.
  5. Other Categories of membership 
    The Executive Board may designate other categories of membership so long as they are in accordance with the International Constitution.

B. Membership in Good Standing 

In order to exercise the rights and privileges of Union membership, members of the Union shall maintain their membership in good standing by remitting payment of full monthly dues, assessments and/or any other payments owed prior to the last business day of each month. Members who are temporarily out of work due to lay-off by their employer may retain their membership in good standing by remitting payment of at least the minimum dues set by the International Union Constitution and Bylaws by the last business day of each month. Members who are out of work for longer than (6) six full months shall no longer be eligible for Regular Membership under Article IV Section A.1., above, but beginning the 7th calendar month from their lay-off, shall remain eligible for Displaced Membership under the terms and conditions of Article IV, Section A.3., above, provided that they continue to pay the monthly dues established consistent with Article VI, Section B. of this Constitution and Bylaws.

All members of the Union are under a positive duty to see that their dues, assessments and/or any other payments owed are remitted on or before the last day of the month in which the same are due at the main or designated office of the Union.

The failure of a steward, representative, or any officer of the Union to appear or to collect the dues, assessments and/or any other payments owed shall not in any manner excuse the member from his or her obligations to pay his or her obligation on or before the due date at the main or designated office of the Union.

A member who is not in good standing at the time the Union determines eligibility to vote in a Union election shall not be unreasonably denied the right to vote if, through no fault of the worker, his or her employer has failed to deduct and transmit dues to the Union.

C. Suspension from and Readmission to Membership 

Any member failing to pay dues, assessments and/or any other payments owed to the Union on or before the last business day of the month in which the same are due, shall stand automatically suspended from membership in this Union, and from all rights and privileges of such membership.

Any suspended member may be readmitted to membership upon payment of current obligations. Any suspended member who is readmitted to membership shall, from the date of such readmission be considered as in their appropriate membership category.

D. Non-discrimination

There shall be no discrimination against any member, Associate Member, Displaced Member, Retiree Member or other category of membership, or any applicant for any such membership by reason of race, creed, color, religion, sex, gender expression, sexual orientation, national origin, citizenship status, marital status, ancestry, age, or disability.

E. Membership duties and obligations 

Every category of member, as defined by virtue of his or her membership in this Union is obligated to adhere to and follow the terms of the International Constitution, this Constitution, and the working rules put into effect in accordance with this Constitution, with respect to his or her rights, duties, privileges and protections conferred by them and by statute. Each member shall faithfully carry out such duties and obligations and shall not interfere with the rights of fellow members.

F. Authorization to act as exclusive bargaining representative. 

Every member, by virtue of his or her membership in this Union, authorizes this Union to act as his or her exclusive bargaining representative with full and exclusive power to execute agreements with his or her employer governing terms and conditions of employment, to determine the method of ratification or rejection of collective bargaining agreements, to determine the method for authorization for a strike or job action and to act for him or her and have final authority in presenting, processing, and adjusting any grievance, difficulty, or dispute arising under any collective bargaining agreement or out of his or her employment with such employer, in such manner as this Union or its officers deem to be in the best interests of this Union. This Union and its officers, representatives, and agents may decline to process any such grievance, complaint, difficulty, or dispute, if in their discretion and judgment such grievance, complaint, or dispute lacks merit.

G. Penalties and Expulsion. 

No Regular Member of this Union shall be suspended or terminated from membership except as a result of charges determined by an appropriate trial body or as specified in Article IV, Section C., above.

ARTICLE V – Bill of Union Member Rights and Responsibilities in the Union

A. Member Rights

  1. The right to have opinions heard and respected, to be informed of Union activity, to be educated in Union values and Union skills.
  2. The right to choose the leaders of the Union in a fair and democratic manner.
  3. The right to a transparent accounting of Union dues and the proper stewardship over Union resources.
  4. The right to quality, adequate representation.
  5. The right to participate in the Union’s bargaining efforts and to reject or to approve collective bargaining agreements.
  6. The right to have members’ concerns resolved in a fair and expeditious manner.
  7. The right to have provided upon request proper interpretation of materials and communications in the native language of their choice.
  8. The right to attend all membership meetings of the Union, regular and special meetings of his or her region or chapter and to observe any membership meetings outside of his or her region or chapter as long as the respective Chair is notified in advance of such attendance by the member and said member observes the orderly procedure, agenda and leadership of the Chair regarding a visiting member’s participation in such meetings.”

B. Member Responsibilities

  1. The responsibility to demonstrate the core values of the Union. Members are expected to treat each other respectfully, even in disagreement, and should expect respectful treatment in return.
  2. The responsibility to help build a strong and more effective labor movement, to support the organizing of unorganized workers, to help build a political voice for working people, and to stand up for one’s co-workers and all workers.
  3. The responsibility to contribute to the support of the Union.
  4. The responsibility to treat all workers and members fairly.
  5. The responsibility to offer constructive criticism of the Union.
  6. The responsibility to be informed about the internal governance of the Union and to participate in the conduct of the Union’s affairs.
  7. The responsibility to attend all general membership meetings of the Union, regular and special meetings of his or her Region, Area or Chapter and observe orderly procedure and decorum at all such meetings.

C. Dual Unionism 

No member shall engage in dual unionism or espouse dual unionism or disaffiliation in the course of meeting, or shall slander or libel this Union, its members, or its officers, and shall not be party to any activity to secure the disestablishment of this Union as the collective bargaining agent for any employee.

ARTICLE VI – Dues and other Financial Obligations

A. Local 2015 Funds
All individuals employed in the long term care industry who are members of Local 2015 have a moral duty to share in the cost of operating and maintaining the Union. Revenue for Local 2015 shall be raised through collection of membership dues, initiation fees, service fees, assessments and/or other lawful means.

B. Any change in the dues rate paid by Local 2015 members, other than increases authorized under this Constitution and Bylaws or mandated by the International Union, may be made only by a majority of votes cast by the affected members in good standing.

C. Assessments 
Before any assessment proposal is taken to the membership, a majority of the entire Executive Board must vote in favor of the assessment. Assessments shall be voted upon by the affected members. Thus, assessments on all members of the Local 2015 shall only be levied if approved by a majority of votes cast by members in good standing. Targeted assessments for a specific portion of the membership, such as a bargaining unit, shall only be levied if approved by a majority of votes cast by members in good standing in the targeted group.

ARTICLE VII – Ratifying Contracts

Contracts shall be ratified by a majority vote of those participating, at a meeting or meetings of the members of the directly impacted bargaining unit(s), or alternatively by mail ballot. Voting procedures shall be determined by the President or an officer or representative designated by the President.

ARTICLE VIII – Authorizing Strikes

Strike authorization shall be determined by a majority vote of those participating, at a meeting or meetings of the members of the directly impacted bargaining unit(s), or alternatively by mail ballot, and shall thereafter be approved by a vote of the Executive Board. Voting procedures shall be determined by the President or an officer or representative designated by the President. The International President shall be notified prior to the beginning of any strike, or, when prior notice is not practicable, as soon as possible after the commencement of the strike.

ARTICLE IX – Organizational Leadership Structure

A. Overview

In order to execute on the Mission, Vision and Values of SEIU Local 2015 members and to ensure the proper administration and effective functioning, the Union shall operate through Regions, Chapters and Industry Councils. 

  1. Chapters
    The Chapter structure will be county based and is vital to ensuring a broad and robust localized member voice within the organization. It serves to promote localized member voice in planning and execution of the Union’s goals and decisions. As soon as practicable, the elected Chapter delegates shall determine the regular schedule for meetings in consultation with their respective Regional Vice President and Executive Vice President. It is the responsibility of the Chapter delegates to ensure that all meetings include an agenda, minutes and attendance records along with supporting materials. All such records will be submitted to the Regional Vice President. This structure is not meant to preclude any members from meeting in other local areas for purposes of helping to build the Union.
  2. Industry Councils
    The Industry Councils shall be comprised of members in the same or related industries. It will serve to promote standards and make recommendations to the Executive Board with respect to issues of particular concern to that segment of membership. Industry Councils shall be created for IHSS providers, Private Agency care givers and Skilled Nursing Facility workers. As soon as practicable, the Executive Board shall determine the regular schedule for meetings of the Industry Councils. It is the responsibility of the First Vice Presidents to chair the Industry Councils and to ensure that all meetings include an agenda, minutes and attendance records along with supporting materials. All such records will be submitted to the President.
  3. Regions
    The Union’s organizational Mission, Vision, Values and goals shall be administered and executed through Regions that shall include all members of the Union within each respective region. As soon as practicable, the elected Regional Vice Presidents shall determine the regular schedule for meetings in consultation with their respective Chapter Delegates and Executive Vice Presidents. It is the responsibility of the Regional Vice Presidents to ensure that all meetings include an agenda, minutes and attendance records along with supporting materials. All such records will be submitted to the Executive Vice President.

B. Chapter Executive Board Delegates

The Chapter Executive Board Delegates (or “Chapter Delegates”) designated within each sector: IHSS; Homecare Agencies; or Care Facilities.

IHSS Chapter Delegates are elected by members within a county. Every IHSS county shall be designated one Delegate and shall be allocated an additional Delegate for every 1,500 IHSS  members thereafter. 

Homecare Agency and Care Facility Chapter Delegates are elected by members within each region.

For Homecare Agencies, each region shall be designated one delegate if represented in the region, plus one delegate for every 500 members thereafter.

For Care Facilities, each region shall be designated two delegates if represented in the region plus one delegate for every 500 members thereafter.

Chapter Delegates shall have the following duties:

  1. To perform said duties in a manner consistent with the Mission, Vision and Values of SEIU Local 2015 including leading by example on core areas on how we build and exercise power by inspiring co-workers to join as full members of SEIU 2015, helping non-union long term care workers realize their power in organizing with SEI 2015 and encourage long term care workers to become active in their Democracy and contribute to COPE.
  2. To commit to all responsibilities of membership as outlined in Section V.B of this Constitution and Bylaws.
  3. Chapter Delegates shall be responsible for the execution of Union and Regional decisions and the enforcement of the applicable collective bargaining agreement on behalf of the members they represent.
  4. Chapter Delegates shall be members of the county bargaining unit or members employed in agencies or facilities within the region and are expected to attend all regular and special meetings of the designated Chapter and Region.
  5. Failure to attend a regular meeting of the Executive Board without notifying the President as to the reason(s) before the meeting and obtaining approval for the absence by vote of the Executive Board constitutes an unexcused absence. Resignation is considered automatically tendered at the third unexcused absence during the term of office.
  6. A Chapter Delegate shall have the duty to uphold this Constitution, to attend all delegate and other Union meetings at which their attendance is required or desirable.
  7. Chapter Delegates shall have the responsibility of inviting and encouraging the involvement of all members in their Chapter in all affairs of the Union.
  8. Chapter Delegates have the responsibility to fulfill all duties and obligations conferred upon them by policies adopted by the Executive Board.
  9. Chapter Delegates must at all times act responsibly and in the best interest of the Union and its members, refrain from any acts detrimental to the good and welfare of its members and faithfully carry out the Oath of Office. Failure to do so may result in formal charges for dereliction of duty and could lead to removal from office in accordance with procedures set for in Article XII.

C. Regional Vice Presidents

Regional Vice Presidents are elected by members within a region. The number of Regional Vice Presidents to be elected shall be determined by the number of regions approved by the Executive Board. Each Region shall be allocated two (2) Regional Vice President Seats. Furthermore, 1 additional Regional Vice President Seat will be allocated for every 20 Chapter Board delegates in that Region.

Regional Vice Presidents shall have the following duties:

  1. To perform said duties in a manner consistent with the Mission, Vision and Values of SEIU Local 2015 including leading by example on core areas of how we build and exercise power by inspiring co-workers to join as full members of SEIU 2015, helping non-union long term care workers realize their power in organizing with SEIU 2015 and encouraging long term car workers to become active in their Democracy and contribute to COPE.
  2. The Regional Vice Presidents shall be responsible to the President, Executive Vice Presidents, Chapter Executive Board Delegates and the membership in their region.
  3. Regional Vice Presidents are responsible for all duties and obligations conferred upon Chaptere Delegates.
  4. The Regional Vice President shall be responsible for supporting Chapter Delegate development, and supporting Chapter Delegates in the execution of their duties; executing the program and goals of the Union in their region and making policy and program recommendations to the President, Executive Vice Presidents and Executive Board.
  5. The Regional Vice Presidents shall chair Regional membership meetings and may chair Chapter membership meetings.
  6. The Regional Vice Presidents shall keep records of all activities of their Region and other duties to which they are assigned.
  7. Failure to attend a regular meeting of the Executive Board without notifying the President as to the reason(s) before the meeting and obtaining approval for the absence by vote of the Executive Board constitutes an unexcused absence. Resignation is considered automatically tendered at the third unexcused absence during the term of office.
  8. Regional Vice Presidents must at all times act responsibly and in the best interest of the Union and its members, refrain from any acts detrimental to the good and welfare of its members, and faithfully carry out the Oath of Office. Failure to do so may result in formal charges for dereliction of duty and could lead to removal from office in accordance with procedures set forth in Article XII.

D. First Vice Presidents

There shall be a First Vice President for Homecare and a First vice President for Nursing Homes who are elected by members at large within their industry. 

First Vice Presidents shall have the following duties:

  1. To perform said duties in a manner consistent with the Mission, Vision and Values of SEIU Local 2015 including leading by example on core areas of how we build and exercise power by inspiring co-workers to join as full members of SEIU 2015, helping non-union long term care workers realize their power in organizing with SEIU 2015 and encouraging long term care workers to become active in their Democracy and contribute to COPE.
  2. To serve as leaders of the Industry Councils and advance the vision and goals for the respective industries at the direction of the President.
  3. To work closely with the Executive Vice Presidents to advance the industry vision and goals across the union.
  4. To perform such other duties as assigned by the President.
  5. To serve as voting members of the Executive Board, and to discharge each of the duties and responsibilities of those bodies. Failure to attend a regular meeting of the Executive Board without notifying the President as to the reason(s) before the meeting and obtaining approval for the absence by vote of the Executive Board constitutes an unexcused absence. Resignation is considered automatically tendered at the third unexcused absence during the term of office.
  6. First Vice Presidents must at all times act responsibly and in the best interest of the Union and its members, refrain from any acts detrimental to the good and welfare of its members, and faithfully care out the Oath of Office. Failure to do so may result in formal charges for dereliction of duty and could lead to removal from office in accordance with the procedures set forth in Article XII.

E. Executive Vice Presidents

There shall be three (3) Executive Vice Presidents who are elected by members at large. 

Executive Vice Presidents shall have the following duties:

  1. To perform said duties in a manner consistent with the Mission, Vision and Values of SEIU Local 2015 including leading by example on core areas of how we build and exercise power by inspiring co-workers to join as full members of SEIU 2015, heling non-union long term care workers realize their power in organizing with SEIU 2015 and encouraging long term care workers to become active in their Democracy and contribute to COPE.
  2. To serve as the second, third and fourth principal officers of the Union, with responsibilities both geographically and programmatically to assist the President in the performance of his or her duties.
  3. To perform such other duties as assigned by the President.
  4. To serve as voting members of the Executive Board, and to discharge each of the duties and responsibilities of those bodies. Failure to attend a regular meeting of the Executive Board without notifying the President as to the reason(s) before the meeting and obtaining approval for the absence by vote of the Executive Board constitutes an unexcused absence. Resignation is considered automatically tendered at the third unexcused absence during the term of office.
  5. To be authorized to counter-sign checks and other binding legal instruments on behalf of the Union.
  6. To serve by virtue of office as the second, third and fourth delegates to SEIU conventions and meetings to which the Union is entitled to delegate representation.
  7. The Executive Vice Presidents shall not be disqualified from also serving as an appointed Union employee, subject to the exercise of the President’s sole and exclusive discretionary powers outlined in this Constitution and Bylaws.
  8. Executive Vice Presidents must at all times act responsibly and in the best interest of the Union and its members, refrain from any acts detrimental to the good and welfare of its members, and faithfully carry out the Oath of Office. Failure to do so may result in formal charges for dereliction of duty and could lead to removal from office in accordance with procedures set forth in Article XII.

F. President

The President shall be elected by members at large to serve on a full-time basis as the Union’s Chief Executive Officer. The President shall administer the affairs of the Union and implement the policies of the Union on a day-to-day basis. 

The President’s duties shall include but are not limited to:

  1. To perform said duties in a manner consistent with the Mission, Vision and Values of SEIU Local 2015 including leading by example on core areas of how we build and exercise power by inspiring co-workers to join as full members of SEIU 2015, helping non-union long erm care workers realize their power in organizing with SEIU 2015 and encouraging long term care workers to become active in their Democracy and contribute to COPE.
  2. To comply with the decisions of all membership votes and/or decisions of the Executive Board.
  3. To chair all meetings of the Executive Board. Failure to attend a regular meeting of the Executive Board without notifying the Executive Vice Presidents as to the reason(s) before the meeting and obtaining approval for the absence by vote of the Executive Board constitutes an unexcused absence. Resignation is considered automatically tendered at the third unexcused absence during the term of office.
  4. To chair membership meetings, conferences, conventions, and other Union functions as necessary.
  5. To represent the Union in the community, in the media and at meetings, conferences, or conventions of organizations that the Union is affiliated with; and generally acting as the chief spokesperson for the Union.
  6. To hire, fire, assign and direct the Union’s staff in accordance with any applicable bargaining agreement, rules, laws, and regulations; pursuant to any staff related policies adopted by the Executive Board; and within an operating budget approved by the Executive Board.
  7. To call special meetings of the Executive Board, membership, or specific committees and other bodies of the Union, as necessary.
  8. Together with the Executive Vice Presidents, to sign checks, vouchers, financial contracts, and agreements, subject to the policies of the Executive Board and the Constitution and Bylaws.
  9. To sign all collective bargaining agreements as the Union’s official representative after ratification by the membership and signing by the appropriate negotiating committees and/or staff.
  10. To vote on any matter before the Executive Board where his/her vote shall be the deciding vote;
  11. To fulfill such other duties as his/her office requires and as are consistent with the Constitution and Bylaws and applicable laws.
  12. To present an annual budget to the Executive Board for their review, discussion and final adoption.
  13. As the Chief Executive Officer, to serve as the Union’s first delegate to the SEIU International Convention and to all other conferences and conventions in which the Union is eligible for participation.
  14. To serve as an ex-officio member of all committees of the Union, except the election committee.
  15. Subject to the approval of the Executive Board, to establish committees and appoint representatives to committees, standing or ad hoc, that may be necessary to further the interests of the membership or improve the functioning of the Union.
  16. The President must at all times act responsibly and in the best interest of the Union and its members, refrain from any acts detrimental to the good and welfare of its members and faithfully carry out the Oath of Office. Failure to do so may result in formal charges for dereliction of duty and could led to removal from office in accordance with procedures set forth in Article XII.
  17. The President may delegate any of the functions of this position to an Officer or staff member, with the exception of signing checks.
  18. The President shall have the authority to interpret any ambiguous provision of this Constitution and Bylaws, subject to the approval of the Executive Board.

G. Executive Board

The Executive Board shall be composed of all elected Chapter Delegates, Regional Vice Presidents, First Vice Presidents, Executive Vice Presidents and the President.

  1. Meetings
    The Executive Board shall hold regular meetings at least four (4) times each year without other notice than this by-law at such regular times and places as shall be designated by the President. The Executive Board shall hold other meetings at such time and place as shall be determined by the President. All necessary expenses for such meetings shall be paid by the Union. Minutes of Executive Board meetings shall be recorded and presented in writing at the next regular Executive Board meeting. All members in “good standing” may attend and observe Executive Board meetings as long as the President is notified in advance of such attendance by the member and said member observes the orderly procedure, agenda and leadership of the Executive Board. The Executive Board may meet in executive session to discuss and decide questions or matters relating to budget, real estate and other investments, litigation or for other good cause as may be determined by a majority vote of the Executive Board.
  2. Action by other means
    At the call of the President, the Executive Board may act by telephone, electronic mail, videoconference, or other appropriate means of communication. Such action so taken on vote of the majority of the Executive Board shall constitute official action of the Executive Board. A record shall be kept of any such action taken, which shall be presented in writing at the next regular Executive Board meeting.
  3. Quorum and Agenda
    A majority of the members of the Executive Board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of its business. The President shall cause an agenda to be prepared for each meeting of the Executive Board. The Executive Board may add to, subtract from, or restructure that agenda by a majority vote.
  4. Authority
    The Executive Board shall have each of the following duties:
    • To perform said duties in a manner consistent with the Mission, Vision and Values of SEIU Local 2015.
    • To establish standing committees, ad-hoc committees, regions, caucuses, councils and other necessary bodies of this Union.
    • To vote to confirm or reject appointments to fill vacancies among the officers.
    • To approve or reject strike authorization and contract ratification under the provisions of Article VIII of this Constitution and Bylaws.
    • To appoint a trial body as specified under Article XII, Section D. of this Constitution and Bylaws and under Article XVII of the International Union Constitution and Bylaws (or any successor article).
    • To initiate, defend, settle, arbitrate, release or pay the expenses and costs of any legal proceedings or actions of any nature in its judgment necessary or desirable to protect, preserve, defend or advance the interests of the Union and/or its members.
    • To adopt an annual budget and to create such funds and accounts as may be necessary for the administration and operation of such budgets, subject to the reasonable discretionary administration and adjustments that the President may make in order to carry out the intent of the Executive Board in adopting and creating such budgets, accounts and funds.
    • To set the compensation of the President on at least an annual basis.
    • To invest and reinvest the funds of the Union in such property, real or personal, tangible or intangible, as it shall consider prudent, necessary, and desirable in the interest of the Union and its members.
    • To commission an audit and examination of the books and financial records of the Union by an independent Certified Public Accountant at least annually
    • To review and approve as to form, legality, and constitutionality all referenda, Constitutional Amendments, and other matters to be voted on by the general membership.

H. Vacancies 

  1. Vacancies for positions of President, Executive Vice Presidents, and First Vice Presidents
    In the event of a vacancy in the positions of President, Executive Vice Presidents, and First Vice Presidents, the Executive Board shall either approve the President’s appointee to that position, designate a successor or hold a special election to fill the vacancy for the unexpired portion of the term. If the Executive Board determines that a special election is required to fill such vacancy, then such election will require a statewide vote of members in good standing. A vacancy occurring within 90 days prior to the next full election cycle for the local will be added to the local’s election process. 
  2. Vacancies for positions of Regional Vice Presidents and Chapter Delegates
    In the event of a vacancy in the positions of Regional Vice President and Chapter Delegates more than 90 days prior to the next full election cycle for the local, Board members from that respective region and chapter may submit a candidate to be recommended for appointment to fill the vacancy for the unexpired portion of the term. Only Board member in good standing within the respective region or county where the vacancy exists may vote to approve the appointment. A vacancy occurring within 90 days prior to the next full election cycle for the local will be added to the local’s election process and only members in good standing from the respective region or county where the vacancy exists may vote.

ARTICLE X – Convention and Membership Meetings

A. Convention 
The Union shall hold a convention at least once every three (3) years at a time and date and place determined by the Executive Board. The Executive Board shall establish a procedure for determining participation at the convention. It is the responsibility of the President or his/ her designee to ensure that such conventions include an agenda, minutes and attendance records along with supporting materials. All such records will be submitted to the Regional Vice President.

B. Membership Meetings
There shall be membership meetings by chapter and/or worksite at least once every two months. However, the President may direct an alternative schedule be adopted or waive this requirement. Industry Councils shall meet at least twice a year. At least once a year, a statewide or regional membership assembly will be convened. It is the responsibility of the respective meeting Chair to ensure that all meetings include an agenda, minutes and attendance records along with supporting materials. All such records will be submitted to the appropriate officer of the chapter or region.

Article XI – Nomination and Election of Statewide Officers, Executive Board Delegates and Regional Vice Presidents

A. Manner and Date of Election
The President, Executive Vice Presidents, First Vice Presidents, Regional Vice Presidents and Chapter Executive Board Delegates shall be elected once every three (3) years by the members of Local 2015 in good standing voting in a secret ballot election. The candidate for each position who receives the highest number of votes for that position shall be deemed elected.

B. Election Committee
Elections of statewide Officers, Regional Vice Presidents, and Chapter Executive Board Delegates shall be conducted by an Election Committee, which the President shall appoint, in consultation with the Executive Board. The Election Committee shall supervise and conduct nominations and elections in accordance with this Constitution and Bylaws, the SEIU Constitution and Bylaws, and all applicable laws. Any member in good standing who is working in a bargaining unit represented by Local 2015, with the exception of candidates, may be eligible to serve on the Election Committee. The Election Committee may establish reasonable method(s) of sharing candidate profiles including, but not limited to, collecting candidates’ profiles subject to word limits and sharing such profiles with members, either upon request, or by inclusion in the ballot mailing, or by making packets of submitted candidate profiles available at all Union office locations or through the development of a candidate website.

The Election Ie shall prepare written nomination and election procedures Ih shall include the number of Chapter Delegate seats per County and Regional Vice President seats per Region based on the formulas set out for each in Article IX, Sections B and C, respectively

C. Eligibility
The Election Committee shall determine the date(s) on which a nominee must have been a member in good standing in order to be eligible for nomination or election as an Officer or Executive Board Delegate. Such determination shall seek to allow for the broadest participation while ensuring that the eligibility of all members in good standing will have equal relevance, based on the Local’s access to the information necessary for such a determination.

To be eligible for nomination as a President, Executive Vice President, First Vice President, Regional Vice President or Chapter Executive Board Delegate, the member must in continuous good standing in the Union for a minimum of one year. For election as a Regional Vice-President, a nominee must also reside in the Region in which the nominee wishes to run, or if employed by a private employer, the nominee’s employer must be based in the Region in which the nominee wishes to run. To be eligible for 17nomination or election as a Chapter Executive Board Delegate, a nominee must also reside in the county to which the Chapter Delegate seat has been allotted, or if employed by a private employer, the nominee’s employer must be based in the county to which the Chapter Delegate seat has been allotted.

Additionally, no person who has been convicted of a felony as defined in Section 504 of the Landrum-Griffin Act shall, in accordance with the provisions of applicable law, be eligible for nomination or election under the terms of this Section. 

D. Notice of Nominations and Election
Members in good standing shall be notified in writing of the written nomination and election procedures prepared by the Election Committee. Notice shall be mailed to members in good standing at their last known address at least twenty one (21) days prior to the deadline for submitting nominating petitions.

The notice of nominations shall list the positions that are open with description of responsibilities and for which nominations are being accepted.

E. Nominations
Nominations shall be by written nominating petition on a form provided by Local 2015, designating the name of the person nominated and the position with description of responsibilities for which the person is being nominated. Candidates shall also sign a verification form provided by Local 2015, stating his/her agreement to accept the nomination and to serve if elected and verifying that he/she meets the eligibility requirements and commits to perform the responsibilities for the office sought. The nominating petition shall also require the following: 

  1. For the positions of President, Executive Vice President and First Vice Presidents, the nominating petition must contain valid signatures from at least eighty (80) Local 2015 members in good standing, with at least twelve (12) valid signatures from members in good standing in each of the Regions and an additional eight (8) valid signatures from members in good standing Union wide.
  2. For the position of Regional Vice-President, the nominating petition must contain valid signatures from at least twenty-five (25) Local 2015 members in good standing who reside in the Region for which nomination is sought.
  3. For the position of Chapter Executive Board Delegate, the nominating petition must contain valid signatures from at least five (5) Local 2015 members in good standing who reside in the county for which the nomination is sought.

A nomination petition for slates will be provided. Each signature on a slate petition shall be counted towards all candidate positions on that slate, to the extent that such signatures conform to the requirements in paragraphs a-c above.

Signatures shall be considered valid if the signatory is a member in good standing of Local 2015 as of the date(s) established by the Election Committee.

F. Determinations of Eligibility
Eligibility shall be determined by the Election Committee within one (1) week after nominations are closed.

Nominees who are declared ineligible shall be promptly notified in writing of the decision of the Election Committee and the process for appealing the Election Committee’s decision.

Appeals shall be made in writing and mailed to the Election Committee by Certified Mail-Return Receipt Requested and postmarked no later than two (2) days after the receipt of letter from the Election Committee notifying the nominee of the Election Committee’s decision. Failure to comply with this notice requirement constitutes a waiver of any right to appeal.

G. Limitation on Nominations
No member shall be a candidate for more than one (1) position in the same election. If an individual submits nominating petitions and candidate verification forms for more than one (1) position, both petitions shall be automatically deemed void.

H. Unopposed Candidates
If a candidate who has been nominated in accordance with the requirements in this Constitution and Bylaws is unopposed, he/she shall be deemed elected.

I. Campaign
Candidates who have been certified as eligible by the Election Committee shall have the right, at their expense, to distribute campaign literature to members in good standing.

Once within thirty (30) days prior to the election, each certified eligible candidate shall have the right to inspect a list containing the names and last known addresses of members in good standing.

The Election Committee shall not discriminate in favor of or against any certified eligible candidate with respect to the use of lists of members or expense of distribution.

J. Financial Support
No candidate or supporter of a candidate may solicit or accept financial support of any kind from a person who is not a member of SEIU, and violation of this prohibition shall render the candidate ineligible for office.

Each certified eligible candidate shall maintain a record of contributions made including the name of the contributor, the name of his/her respective SEIU local union, date of the contribution and the amount of the contribution. Such record(s) shall be made available for inspection upon request of the Election Committee.

K. Elections
If more than one (1) certified eligible candidate has been nominated for any elected position in accordance with the requirements in this Constitution and Bylaws, a secret ballot election shall be conducted.

Candidates for President, Executive Vice President, and First Vice President shall run at large. Candidates for Regional Vice President shall run within the region in which election is sought. Candidates for Chapter Executive Board Delegate shall run within the county in which election is sought. As soon as practical after the nominations have been closed, the Election Committee shall prepare a ballot or ballots listing all certified eligible candidates who have been nominated in accordance with the requirements in this Constitution and Bylaws, and mail the ballot and a return envelope to members in good standing at their last known address at least twenty-one (21) days prior to the deadline for submitting ballots. The ballots sent to the members in good standing shall include the candidates for each of the positions subject to election in that Region or county in which more than one (1) certified eligible candidate has been nominated.

There shall be no write-in candidates.

Ballots shall be returned by mail and shall be secured until the ballot count.

Ballots not received by the deadline for submitting ballots shall not be counted and shall be declared null and void.

The Election Committee shall count the ballots of the members in good standing or oversee the counting by a neutral third party vendor. Certified eligible candidates and other members in good standing may observe the ballot counting.

The candidate for each position who receives the highest number of votes for that position shall be deemed elected. If there is more than one (1) opening for a position, such as Chapter Executive Board Delegate and Regional Vice President, the candidates who receive the highest number of votes for the positions available shall be deemed elected.

The Election Committee shall certify the results of the election in writing.

The Election Committee shall have the authority to rule on all questions of voting procedure and on any challenge to the election.

L. Installation
Installation of Officers and Chapter Executive Board Delegates shall take place as soon as possible, but no later than thirty (30) days after the certification of the election.

M. Records
Local 2015 shall maintain all ballots and election records for no less than one (1) year after the election.

N. Ineligible Member Status
Associate members, displaced members, retiree members and any category of member other than a regular member as defined in Article IV, Section A.1. shall not be eligible to sign nominating petitions, vote in elections or be a candidate for office.

ARTICLE XII – Due Process

A. Hearings & Appeals Process
It is the objective of SEIU Local 2015 to provide a democratic and orderly procedure for its members in order to hear and determine grievances, complaints and/or charges and appeals (hereinafter called collectively “Complaints”) brought by or against a member or elected Officer.

B. Grounds for Charges
The following shall be included among the grounds for filing such Complaints: disloyalty of a member to the Union; incompetence, insubordination or failure of a member or Officer to perform the functions assigned to her/his office or position, corrupt or unethical practices, dual unionism; conduct calculated to bring the Union into disrepute; violation of the SEIU Local 2015 Constitution and Bylaws, or any resolution, orders or directives of Union officers or the Local 2015 Executive Board which are promulgated thereunder; failure to enforce the collective bargaining agreements; violation of Union decisions; scabbing; strike breaking or violation of wage or work standards established by the Union or any activity detrimental to its good and welfare.

C. Filing Charges
Charges against any member or Officer of Local 2015 shall be filed in duplicate with the President of Local 2015, who shall either serve a copy thereof on the accused personally or send by registered or certified mail, directed to the last known address of the accused, at least ten (10) days before the hearing upon the charges. The charges must specify the events or acts which the charging party believes constitute a basis for the charges and must state which specific ground or grounds listed in of Section B of this Article the charging party believes has been violated. If the charges are not specific, the trial body may dismiss the charges either before or at the hearing, but the charging party shall have the right to re-file more detailed charges which comply with this Section. No charges may be filed more than six months after the charging party learned or could have reasonably learned, of the act or acts which are the bases of the charges.

D. Trial Body 
The Executive Board shall appoint an impartial trial body. The accused may appear in person and with witnesses to answer the charges against him or her and shall be afforded a full and fair hearing. The accused may select a member of Local 2015 to represent the accused in the presentation of a defense.

If the charges, or any portion thereof, are sustained, then the trial body in consultation with the President shall render judgment and impose disciplinary action as provided for in this Constitution and Bylaws. If the trial body determines that the circumstances so warrant, disciplinary action may include removing an elected leader from his or her position, or, provided the trial body decision is issued more than one hundred and eighty (180) days prior to a SEIU Local 2015 officer election, the trial body may issue a decision directing the Executive Board to convene a recall election committee to conduct an election of the constituency that elected the leader. If a SEIU Local 2015 leader is removed by the trial body or recalled, his/her seat shall be declared vacant and filled in accordance with Article IX, Section G., Vacancies.

If the Charges are not sustained, the same shall be dismissed and the accused will be restored to full rights of membership or office in Local 2015.

E. Written Decision 
A written decision shall be issued by the trial body and shall be served personally on or sent by registered or certified mail to the charging party and the accused.

F. Appeals 
If the charges are sustained, the accused may appeal the decision to the Executive Board. The appeal must be in writing and postmarked or hand-delivered to the office of the President within fifteen (15) days from the date of the decision. The final decision of the Executive Board on such matters may be appealed to the International Union pursuant to Article XVII of the SEIU. 

G. No Retaliation
SEIU Local 2015 encourages all members to protect the integrity of this Constitution and Bylaws and the rights of its members embodied herein. To that end, SEIU Local 2015 expressly prohibits retaliation against covered individuals and members for:

  1. making good faith complaints, reports or inquiries pursuant to this Article XII of Hearings and Appeals Process;
  2. opposing any practice prohibited by this Constitution and Bylaws;
  3. cooperating with an impartial trial body’s investigations under Article XII of Hearings and Appeals Process by producing evidence, testimony or information; or
  4. otherwise participating in the enforcement process set forth in Article XII of Hearings and Appeals Process

H. Bad Faith Complaints
SEIU Local 2015 also reserves the right, subject to the notice, investigation and due process steps established in Sections A through F of this Article, to render remedies or outcomes including but not limited to suspension of membership, revocation of membership, and removal from committees for persons who make bad faith, knowingly false, or harassing complaints, reports or inquiries against a member of the Union.

I. Agreement to Exhaust All Remedies 
Subject to the provisions of applicable statutes and laws, every member, Officer and Executive Board Delegate against whom charges have been made and disciplinary action taken, or who has a grievance, claim or dispute against SEIU Local 2015 or any Officer or Executive Board Delegate, agrees as a condition of membership, to exhaust all remedies provided for in the International’s Constitution and Bylaws and this Constitution and Bylaws, and further agrees not to file or prosecute any action in any court, tribunal or other agency until those remedies have been exhausted.

ARTICLE XIII – Dissolution

This Union cannot dissolve, secede or disaffiliate while there are seven (7) dissenting members. In the event of secession, dissolution or disaffiliation, all properties, funds and assets, both real and personal, of this Union shall become the property of the International Union. The International Union shall be notified by registered or certified mail of any meeting scheduled by this Union for the purpose of taking a vote on dissolution, secession, or disaffiliation from the International Union at least 60 days prior to the date of such scheduled meeting, and a representative of the International Union shall be afforded an opportunity to speak at such meeting. The International President shall direct whether the membership vote shall be conducted by secret ballot at a membership meeting and/or by mail referendum, and, if appropriate, a separate method by which dissenting Local Unions or members may assert their dissent. The vote shall be counted by an independent neutral party. Under no circumstances shall this Union distribute its funds, assets, or properties individually among its membership.

ARTICLE XIV – International Constitution and Bylaws

The Constitution and Bylaws of this Union shall at all times be subordinate to the International Constitution and Bylaws, as it may be amended. If any conflict should arise between the Constitution and Bylaws of this Union, or any amendments thereto, and the International Union Constitution and Bylaws, or any amendments thereto, then the provisions of the International Union Constitution and Bylaws shall control.

This Constitution and Bylaws for SEIU Local 2015, and any amendments thereto, shall be forwarded to the SEIU International President for approval, and shall be filed with other bodies as required by federal, state or other applicable law. No amendments to this Constitution and Bylaws shall be in effect until approved by the SEIU International President.

ARTICLE XV – Code of Ethical Practices & Conflict of Interest Policy

In accordance with the International Executive Board’s decision to implement SEIU’s Code of Ethical Practices & Conflict of Interest Policy, and grounded in SEIU’s moral purpose and values as spelled out in the International’s Constitution and Bylaws, SEIU’s officers, Executive Board members, managers and employees owe not just fiduciary obligations to Union members but also the highest level of ethical behavior in decision making and financial dealings. Members have a right to proper stewardship over Union resources and transparency in the spending of Union dues. Corruption in all forms will not be tolerated.

To that end, all elected Officers, Executive Board Members and employees of SEIU Local 2015 will adhere to SEIU’s Code of Ethical Practices & Conflict of Interest Policy as it may be amended from time to time. The full SEIU Code of Ethical Practices & Conflict of Interest Policy will be attached as Addendum B.

ARTICLE XVI – Property Rights

The title to all property, funds, and other assets of this Union shall at all times be vested in the Executive Board for the joint use of the membership of this Union, but no member shall have any severable proprietary right, title, or interest therein.

Membership in this organization shall not vest any member with any right, title, or interest in or to the property of this Union, including the funds of this Union.

ARTICLE XVII – Protection against Personal or Union Suits

In the event a suit is brought against the Union or any of its officers or employees, funds of the Union may be expended to the extent permitted by law for all legal costs, including attorney’s fees, court costs and investigative expenses, in the defense of such lawsuit. In the event any officer or employee of the Union is held personally liable, either by way of judgment, compromise or settlement arising out of a lawsuit against such officer or employee regarding the performance of duties on behalf of the Union, the funds of the Union may be expended to satisfy such judgment, compromise or settlement to the extent permitted by law.


The Union shall secure and maintain surety bonds in the amounts and the form required by applicable statutes. The International Secretary-Treasurer may direct an increase in the amount of any bond whenever he or she deems it necessary.

ARTICLE XIX – Savings Clause

If any provision of this Constitution and Bylaws shall be modified or declared invalid or inoperative by any competent authority of the executive, judicial, or administrative branch of federal or state government, the Executive Board shall have the authority to suspend the operation of such provision during the period of its invalidity or modification and to substitute in its place and stead a provision that will meet the objections to its validity and that will be in accord with the intent and purposes of the invalid or modified provisions. If any article or section of this Constitution and Bylaws should be modified or held invalid by operation of law or by any tribunal of competent jurisdiction, the remainder of this Constitution and Bylaws or the application of such article or section to persons or circumstances other than those as to which it has been held invalid or modified shall not be affected thereby.

ARTICLE XX – Amendments

A. Methods to amend
Amendments to this Constitution and Bylaws may be made by majority vote at a Convention of the Union, or by mail ballot vote, as determined by the Executive Board.

B. Amendments at Convention
Any regular member in good standing may submit proposed amendments to the Executive Board no later than thirty (30) days prior to a scheduled Convention. The Executive Board may submit such proposed amendments directly to the floor of the Convention or may refer them to a Committee for review and recommendations. The Executive Board may also author proposed amendments and submit them directly to the floor of the Convention or may refer them to a Committee for review and recommendations. The President shall determine voting procedures in accordance with this Constitution and Bylaws and applicable laws.

C. Amendments by mail ballot
Voting on amendments which, in the Executive Board’s sole discretion, require urgent action prior to the next regularly scheduled Convention, may be conducted by a mail ballot election. The President shall determine voting procedures in accordance with this Constitution and Bylaws and applicable laws.

ARTICLE XXI – Delegates to the International Convention and Other Councils

A. Determination of Delegates
The President, Executive Vice Presidents, First Vice Presidents, Regional Vice Presidents, and Chapter Executive Board Delegates shall be deemed, by virtue of their election to the Local 2015 positions, elected delegates to the International Convention.

Local 2015 shall be entitled to representation at the International Convention in accordance with the representation formulas set forth in the International Union’s Constitution and Bylaws.

In the event Local 2015 is entitled to fewer delegates than the number of elected officers, the delegate positions shall be filled in the following order:

  1. President. 
  2. Executive Vice Presidents. 
  3. First Vice Presidents
  4. Regional Vice Presidents by lottery and allocated proportionally across the Regions, based on total numbers represented in each region (in the event that fewer delegate seats are available than the total number of Regional Vice President seats, once the President and Executive Vice Presidents have filled their delegate seats).
  5. Chapter Executive Board Delegates by lottery and allocated proportionally across the Regions, based on total numbers represented in each region (in the event that fewer delegate seats are available than the total number of Chapter Executive Board Delegates, once the President, Executive Vice Presidents, First Vice Presidents, and Regional Vice Presidents have filled their delegate seats).

In the event Local 2015 is entitled to more delegates than the total number of elected Officers and Chapter Delegates, then the Executive Board may determine the number of additional delegates and alternates to be elected by a majority vote of those members in good standing voting in a secret ballot election of member or, in the alternative, the Executive Board may determine that the elected Officers and Chapter Delegates shall carry the full voting strength of Local 2015’s entitled number of delegates at the International Union Convention.

B. Calculation of Delegation Voting Strength
At the International Union’s Convention, the voting strength of the delegates representing the Local 2015 shall be based on the number of per capita tax units paid to the International Union, consistent with their constitutional methods of calculating voting strength.

SEIU Local 2015 – Member Dues Structure

  1. Dues and Fees for Regular Members
    The dues rate for all Regular Members of the Union shall be 3% of gross wages with a monthly minimum of $15.50 and monthly maximum of $45.
  2. Dues for Associate Members
    The dues for Associate Members shall be $15.50 a month.
  3. Dues for Displaced Members
    The dues for Displaced Members shall be $15.50 a month.
  4. Dues for Retiree Members
    The dues for Retiree Members shall be $15.50 a month.
  5. Dues for Individuals Employed in Multiple Bargaining Units
    No member shall be required to pay more than the monthly maximum dues rate regardless of the number of bargaining unit employers that remit dues on their behalf. Any remittance made by the employer (s) above the maximum dues rate will be refunded to the member by the Union.
  6. Strike Fund
    Contributions to a Strike Fund shall be included in the dues rates as defined above, and shall not require additional deductions or financial obligations on top of the standard dues amounts. Twenty-five (25) cents per month from every homecare member’s dues will be allocated to a strike fund. Fifty (50) cents per month from every nursing home and private agency member’s dues will be allocated to a strike fund.

SEIU Local 2015 – Organizational Priorities

The members of Local 2015 believe that our mission demands that we fight injustice where we see and experience it, and fight until we win. We believe this mission calls on us to fight for our members and all one and a half million long term care workers in California who are not yet members of Local 2015 because all long term care work must be valued and respected. We also believe this mission calls on us to fight for our consumers, our families and our communities because in today’s environment we know that we all must raise our voices together to demand the change that we want. We have an opportunity to build a 21st century workers’ organization that is powerful, dreams big and delivers. By standing for justice in solidarity with other organizations and individuals, we will build a movement that disrupts the unjust status quo to bring about lasting transformational change towards a more just society for all.

Based on hearing clearly from members during the Officers’ listening tour along with direct one-on-one conversations and research, Local 2015 members have declared the following as being key priorities for our members’ futures and the future of our organization:

Racial & Economic Justice
Persistent and growing income inequality and attacks on workers’ rights that we have experienced for decades require us to take action. We must recognize that these historical inequities are rooted in our country’s legacy of slavery, and can only be uprooted by dismantling the systems and structures of racism plaguing our country’s economy. We must not only defend and protect what we have, we must also forge new ground in our efforts toward creating a Future of Care where Black, brown, AANHPI, Latino/a/e, Indigenous, and white workers have the resources to thrive alongside each other in our communities.

Put simply, we will never be able to achieve economic justice without racial justice.

Key campaign efforts include:

  • Bargaining strong contracts to continue improving wages, benefits and working conditions for all long-term care workers
  • Fighting for a secure retirement for caregivers
  • Holding nursing home owners accountable for quality care and safe staffing standards
  • Getting time sheets and paychecks on time
  • Growing the number of California long-term care workers in our union

Housing Justice
Members of Local 2015 have stated this as a critical issue and this crisis faced by working Californians crosses geography, class, race and ethnicity. Without the security of having a roof over one’s head there is very little hope of achieving your hopes and dreams. Affordable housing for working people is key to restoring our communities.

Key campaign efforts include:

  • Reversing laws and ordinances that prevent the expansion of fair housing policies
  • Building affordable, workforce housing
  • Passing laws that expand rent control to more people and in more communities

Immigrant Justice
America’s immigration system is broken. We must protect against leaders who would choose to profit for themselves more than value all lives. We believe in the respect and dignity of immigrants; that a modernized immigration system that includes a path to citizenship for the roughly 11 million undocumented immigrants will strengthen our families, our communities and our country.

These efforts include:

  • Passing state and local policies that respect and value all immigrants in our communities
  • Increasing the civic participation in our immigrant communities
  • Building statewide and local partnerships to protect families and ensure resources necessary to keep families together

Restorative Justice
Today our criminal justice system produces very little justice. People of color and those living in poverty fare far worse than most. The entire system – policing, the courts, prisons and recidivism – needs to be transformed into one that is fair and equitable for everyone. Our vision is a system that focuses on real second chances rather than punishment alone.

Here, we would act as partners in:

  • Achieving real policing reform that works for the public and the police
  • Abolishing cash bonds which punish only those who cannot afford to pay
  • Holding accountable the prosecutors who see injustice and fail to act
  • Uniting all our communities

Environmental Justice
It is an injustice that in California your zip code, race and income often determine whether you will have access to clean air and water, fresh and nutritious food, or a clean environment. Far too many of our members talk of their families who live, work, and play in communities that are polluted by large corporations who are often held unaccountable. As climate change continues to increase the frequency and intensity of California’s floods, wildfires, and heat waves, we know it is often communities of color that are impacted the most. We believe that all Californians—regardless of race, color, national origin or income—deserve a healthy and clean environment and one that is prepared for climate-related disasters.

We would partner in campaigns to:

  • Support and advocate for policies that expand access to clean air, water, food and healthy neighborhoods
  • Hold corporate actors accountable to environmental standards
  • Secure state and federal resources for communities disproportionately impacted by climate-related disasters

Disability Justice
Our vision for justice includes communities that recognize the wholeness of all people.

Our work to achieve this includes:

  • Access for All: Our vision for justice includes communities that recognize the wholeness of all people by providing full inclusion and access, while upholding the same rights and freedoms for all regardless of ability or disability.
  • Intersectionality and Anti-racism: We are dedicated to cross movement collaboration that expands understanding of the impact of ableism on the lives of disabled people, and of the cumulative – and often deadly – effects of its intersection with other forms of oppression and marginalization, especially racism.
  • Independent Living: We will support and advance policies that uphold and make real the right of people with disabilities to live in their own communities in ways that they choose, free from discrimination, abuse, disrespect, lack of opportunity and neglect.
  • Coalition Building: We are committed to uniting people with disabilities, caregivers, and advocates to realize a shared vision of well-funded, high quality personal assistance and long term care services for all which includes quality caregiving jobs that respect the skill of caregivers and their union, and keeps them in the profession.

LGBTQIA2S+ Justice
True justice and equity cannot be realized until our Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, Asexual, Two-Spirit (LGBTQIA2S+) siblings have the freedom to live safely and fully within our communities. As long-term care workers, we know that “care” must include someone’s whole-being. To fully care for our recipients and community members, we must see and respect them for who they authentically are—including who they are and who they love as expressed through their gender identity, gender expression and sexuality. 

We know that our Black, brown, AANHPI, Latino/a/e, and Indigenous neighbors are disproportionately impacted by interpersonal, sexual, physical, and workplace violence against the LGBTQIA2S+ community—especially Black transgender women. These disparities embolden us to build strong, intersectional relationships with each other and our community that will allow us all to thrive together.

We are committed to working at the intersections on campaigns that:

  • Increase visibility and awareness for LGBTQIA2S+ workplace issues
  • Foster inclusivity for LGBTQIA2S+ people in our communities
  • Empower LGBTQIA2S+ folks to lead—within our union, our cities, our state, and country

Constitution and Bylaws Glossary

Assessment – an assessment is usually a special one-time fee that members may choose to implement through a membership vote to help fund a critical membership goal or priority.

Bargaining Unit – a defined group of workers who are recognized and covered under a collective bargaining agreement.

Confer – to discuss something important or to give something to someone.

Constitution & By-laws – a document that describes the systems of beliefs, rights and responsibilities by which a group of people agree to be governed.

Disrepute – disrespect or discredit

Dual Unionism – refers to an activity in which a current member of the local attempts to advocate that others actively disaffiliate or decertify the local union as the representative of its members.

Fiduciary – a trust and confidence held with regards to finances.

Good Standing – This refers to a determination of eligibility either for a member to vote or otherwise participate in union business. This usually requires that the member is employed or in the last 6 months was employed and covered by a contract where Local 2015 is the exclusivebargaining agent and that the member has paid all dues and fees required in a given period of time.

Installation – a ceremony in which someone is officially put into office.

Jurisdiction – the rights to govern or act with authority in a particular area.

LMRDA – the Labor Management Reporting and Disclosures Act (“LMRDA”) defines rights of union members in the private sector (not public employees) and imposes obligations and requirements on labor unions and private sector employers in order to ensure the democratic functioning of labor unions.

Felony defined under LMRDA – LMRDA Section 504 prohibits people convicted of specific crimes from serving as union officers or executive board members or otherwise holding a position involving decision-making around issues of union funds for a period of 13 years after conviction or end of imprisonment.

Lottery – a system of making a choice that involves chance (i.e. flipping a coin or pulling a name out of a hat).

Promulgate – to make known to many people or make official and public.

Proportional – having amounts that are of appropriate size in relationship to one another.

Referenda – a public vote on a particular issue.

Remittance – an amount of money that is sent as a payment for something.

Scabbing – the act of crossing a strike line of union members.

Slate – a number of candidates in an election running together as a group on the ballot.

Stewardship – the job of protecting something entrusted to one’s care.

Surety Bonds – surety bonds are similar to insurance, and the federal law requires any labor union officer or employee who handles the union’s funds to be covered by surety bonds as a means of ensuring the security of those funds.

Vision Statement – Vision is a declaration of our desired change. It inspires our work and guides our strategic priorities.

Values – Organizational values guide who we are, and what we do. Values help us define our beliefs, our culture and shape our behaviors.