Election 2024

Leilani Reed

IHSS Provider, Los Angeles

I’m voting for long-term care champions this November 5th!

To create the future of care that California needs, we must elect even more leaders like the ones who helped us restore the 7% cut to IHSS hours, take steps toward statewide bargaining for IHSS, form our nursing home Labor Management Coalition, win overtime and sick time for IHSS providers, and more! That’s amazing progress to the future of care we envision—where everyone has access to quality care in the setting of their choice and where care jobs are good American jobs!

The 2024 election is my chance to vote and volunteer for candidates who will listen to us, who will help us provide for our families and our community. It’s my chance to support the fight for statewide bargaining and a pathway to a higher nursing home minimum wage. 

Will you join me?


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