Fresno County IHSS providers continue their fight for a contract with livable wages and healthcare.

February 11, 2025

Latest update 2/11/2025 Fresno IHSS care providers continue campaign to address their need for a strong contract that includes healthcare.

SEIU 2015 Members outside the Fresno Board of Supervisors
See pictures here!
See our Facebook post here!

On February 11th, Fresno County caregivers gathered at the Board of Supervisors for the second time this year to continue advocating for a new, stronger contract that will feature livable wages and protections to keep their current healthcare. Several members spoke up and let the Fresno Board of Supervisors know exactly why they NEED a  better contract: so that they can take care of their recipients without worrying about their own economic survival and to fix the care crisis by attracting and retaining more workers in Fresno’s care industry. It’s time to Put Care First in Fresno!

Read more here! 

Currently, Fresno caregivers earn $17.10 per hour. A livable wage for a single person in Fresno County is $22.38; add just one child to that household and it takes $37.62 to meet basic needs. In 2024, more than 429,690 authorized care hours went unused in Fresno County, indicating a shortage of caregivers. But now, Fresno providers are finally being heard by the Board of Supervisors regarding their right to keep their healthcare. With Garry Bredefeld and Luis Chavez as allies, the chance for a strong contract is higher than ever. A strong contract would mean: more security for caregivers and even better care for their recipients. Providers plan to continue meeting with the County’s Board of Supervisors next month. Stay tuned.

Latest update 1/28/2025 Fresno IHSS care providers gathered at county Board of Supervisors to share their need  for a strong contract that includes healthcare.

SEIU 2015 Members outside the Fresno Board of Supervisors
See pictures here!

On Tuesday, Fresno County caregivers gathered at the Board of Supervisors for the first time in 2025 to continue advocating for a new, stronger contract that will feature livable wages and healthcare. Several SEIU 2015 members, including Mary Schulter and Maxine Chaney, spoke truth to power as they stood before the Board of Supervisors and testified about their experiences as healthcare professionals navigating a broken system; a system that can only be fixed by the Board of Supervisors willing to finally invest in Fresno caregivers.

Currently, Fresno caregivers earn $17.10 per hour. A living wage for a single person in Fresno County is $22.38; add just one child to that household and it takes $37.62 to meet basic needs. Fresno providers are finally being heard by the Board of Supervisors  on their right to keep their healthcare. A strong contract means better pay, good healthcare and a true investment to Fresno’s economy. Providers plan to continue  meeting with the County’s Board of Supervisors next month. Stay tuned.

Click the image to hear the interview!

Listening Link: Labor Activism on the Rise in Fresno – Radio Bilingüe

Be sure to check out this interview with Fresno County member leader Olga Valle, who did a radio interview with Radio Bilingüe. Olga touched on everything from civic engagement, negotiations with the county, and the importance of healthcare. Stay tuned and connect with your organizer on how you can support your union contract!

Latest update 9/11/2024 Fresno IHSS care providers kicked off election season in our statewide “Vote For The Future of Care!” campaign.

Fresno Care Providers at the Get Out To Vote Kick-Off Event.
See pictures here!

Last week, Fresno IHSS caregivers hosted a massive Get Out To Vote event to excite the community and encourage Fresno County citizens to vote for care champions in the upcoming local elections. Caregivers were fired up to help elect several Fresno care champions to office in November. Among these champions are Fresno City Councilman Luis Chavez and Garry Bredefield, both of whom are running for Fresno Board of Supervisors seats. Fresno care providers felt proud to be endorsing Fresno City Councilwoman Esmeralda Soria in her bid for State Assembly. 

This week, Fresno IHSS workers testified at a Board of Supervisors Budget Hearing to make their voices heard, calling for continued livable wages and the right to keep their healthcare benefits. 

The Fresno County Board of Supervisors offered an increase to wages, but only if IHSS workers gave up their healthcare, as part of their overall bargaining deal. Fresno caregivers know what they are worth, and need their healthcare. Currently, Fresno providers earn $16.60 per hour. A living wage for a single person in Fresno County is $22.38; add just one child to that household and it takes $37.62 to meet basic needs. 

The county remains adamant that Medi-Cal would benefit all workers, which is essentially an acknowledgement that they understand they’re keeping providers in poverty. They insist that giving folks an additional 85¢ would help IHSS providers purchase a health plan if they don’t qualify for Medi-Cal. Countless providers are utilizing healthcare benefits provided in their current county contract who otherwise would not qualify for Medi-Cal and would not be able to afford out-of-pocket insurance.

Stay tuned for new updates on our Fresno IHSS campaign as providers gear up for a civil disobedience happening sometime after election season.

Latest update 8/20/2024 on Fresno County IHSS providers rally at Board of Supervisors as they continue their fight for a contract with livable wages and healthcare.

Fresno Care Providers at the Board of Supervisors:
Read HERE.
See our Facebook post HERE!

On August 20th, Fresno IHSS workers rallied at the Board of Supervisors to make their voices heard, calling for livable wages and the right to keep their healthcare benefits. See the pics from the rally 📸 HERE

The Fresno County Board of Supervisors offered an increase to wages, but only if IHSS workers gave up their healthcare, as part of their overall bargaining deal. Fresno caregivers know what they are worth, and need their healthcare. Currently, Fresno providers earn $16.60 per hour. A living wage for a single person in Fresno County is $22.38; add just one child to that household and it takes $37.62 to meet basic needs. This is what Fresno caregivers are dealing with on a daily basis: fighting to make ends meet, on top of trying to keep their current healthcare plan. 

The Numbers Tell The Story: 👉 In 2024, the salary for a Fresno County Board of Supervisor is $152,022. The average salary for a Board member has increased by 31.3%, meaning an increase of $7,633 since 2015. Meanwhile, more than 80% of IHSS providers in Fresno County reported working multiple jobs just to make ends meet 👉 more than 55% of IHSS providers in Fresno County are unable to afford their medication, and 👉 more than 54% of IHSS providers in Fresno County have difficulty paying their mortgage or rent each month.

One in five home care providers say they may leave the industry, citing low wages and lack of benefits. There is already a shortage of caregivers  yet the demand for care is exploding – 10,000 Americans turn 65 every day. Last year, more than 626,000 authorized care hours went unused in Fresno County, indicating a lack of providers and care that older adults and those with disabilities desperately needed. Increased pay is how we retain care providers and improve care for consumers. Increased pay combined with allowing healthcare providers to keep their current health insurance is how we build a sustainable future of care in Fresno.

Stay tuned for more updates next month!

Latest update 6/18/2024 on Fresno County IHSS providers rally at BOS as they continue their fight for a contract with livable wages and health care.

On June 9th, Fresno County IHSS care providers gathered at Iglesia Bautista Central, in Supervisor Sal Quintero’s district 3, to commune with Pastor Moises Cabrera, who has offered to speak publicly in favor of the caregivers’ contract campaign with the Board of Supervisors. Churchgoers also signed a petition in favor of the caregivers’ rights. Stay tuned for more Fresno church events as caregivers continue to find spiritual allies all across the County! See the pics from the church event 📸 HERE

On June 18th, Fresno County IHSS care providers rallied before the Board of Supervisors to plead their case regarding their upcoming contract negotiations.  Caregivers spoke on the issues, shared their stories on how critical it would be for the Board to take away their healthcare and replace it with an inadequate coverage plan, as the Board has proposed doing. 

For many caregivers, they rely on their current healthcare coverage to survive with pre-existing conditions, as several of them noted when speaking to the Board. A few speakers highlighted how their special needs children rely on their current healthcare plan, and how taking away that plan would make parenting much harder. Despite the Board’s indifference, the caregivers pressed on, determined to have their voices heard, once again. See pics of the action 📸HERE

These healthcare heroes need to be able to keep their current healthcare coverage, and they won’t give up fighting for what they know they deserve.

 Stay tuned for more updates next month. 

Latest update 5/21/2024 on Fresno County IHSS providers continue their fight for a contract with livable wages and health care.

On May 21st, Fresno County In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) care providers rallied before the County’s Board of Supervisors to speak on why they’re in need of a contract that includes livable wages and adequate healthcare. Over the last nine years, the cost of living in Fresno County went up by 38.4%, while the county’s Board of Supervisors raised wages for home care providers during that same nine-year period by a total of only 4.6%—currently only $0.60 above the minimum wage. This means that buying power for the average home care provider has decreased to 33.8%. That’s a big hit for Fresno County care providers like Wendy, Mark, Bill, Christy, Chue, and Elvira.

We launched a Facebook series addressing the Fresno County Board of Supervisors’ indifference toward the human cost of stripping IHSS workers of adequate healthcare and letting the Numbers Tell The Story by highlighting recent salary increases for Fresno County Board of Supervisors.

Click on photo to see Facebook Post

Fresno Supervisors gave themselves raises, including a 6.6% raise in 2015 alone. IHSS care providers in Fresno County are also demanding adequate healthcare benefits—a critical issue that the Fresno County Board of Supervisors has refused to address. Stay tuned for more updates next month.

Latest update 4/23/2024 on Fresno County IHSS providers continue their fight for a contract with livable wages and health care.

On April 23, Fresno IHSS workers took action at the Board of Supervisors to advocate for higher wages and better healthcare benefits as part of their ongoing contract negotiations. The contract negotiation, which began early last year, shows no signs of resolution, leading to frustration among Fresno IHSS workers across the county. They have made it clear to the Fresno County Board of Supervisors that they are willing to engage in civil disobedience until their demands are met.

News Coverage of Fresno Board of Supervisors Rally

GV Wire:  Fresno Home Care Workers Threaten Civil Disobedience Over Low Pay

Click on image to view video coverage

HmongUSA TV: Press Coverage

Check out the Board of Supervisors action photos here:

Read Elvira De La Curz’s story:

IHSS Provider Elvria De La Cruz Story

Click on image to read her story

“I don’t think they value us at all, nor the crucial work we do. If the Fresno County Board of Supervisors worked a day in the care profession, they would pay us more. Clearly, they feel like what we do isn’t important, but we’re healthcare providers. We need to get treated like it.”

Latest update 4/19/2024 on Fresno County IHSS providers continue their fight for a contract with livable wages and health care.

This month, Fresno County home care providers continued their fight for a contract that includes stronger wages and healthcare benefits. Last week, members rallied before the Board of Supervisors. Caregiver allies even stood up for our healthcare heroes and worked to spread the word about how unfairly caregivers are being treated. Members and allies called out the Board of Supervisors to advocate for their recent Settle Proposal. Dozens of caregivers, community allies and church supporters all say YES to livable wages and healthcare.

Member calling the Fresno Board of Supervisors

A recent SEIU 2015 survey showed that 55.7% of IHSS providers in Fresno County are sometimes or often unable to access medication because they cannot afford the cost of prescriptions. Another 53.5% of IHSS providers in Fresno County have difficulty paying their mortgage or rent each month, with many reporting that they are sometimes or always late with their payments. This is unacceptable.

Next week, Fresno County home care providers will be rallying before the Board of Supervisors on April 23rd: to make it clear that a path toward livable wages means investing in Fresno County to Put Care First and saying ‘YES’ to our Settle Proposal.

Latest press release for 4/15: 

Latest update on 3/19/2024 Fresno County, CA – Today, Fresno In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) home care providers—members of SEIU Local 2015 the nation’s largest long-term care union and California’s largest labor union representing more than 450,000 nursing home workers and home care providers—rallied at the Fresno County Board of Supervisors to call for livable wages and healthcare benefits.

Fresno County’s current IHSS wage is only $16.60 an hour with a $0.85 health benefit contribution. The board threatens to completely remove healthcare coverage in order to bring their shockingly lowball offer of a 15 cent raise up to 85 cents. Long-term care workers in Fresno County are struggling to make ends meet, prompting many to leave the long-term care industry altogether. This comes as Fresno County faces a shortage of care providers. Last year, more than 626,000 authorized care hours went unused, indicating a lack of providers and care that older adults and those with disabilities desperately needed. A livable wage will help caregivers, who are most often women of color, support themselves and their families. 

Check out the latest photos here:

Telemundo News Coverage

Latest press coverage:

Central Valley News: Why home care workers in Fresno County want better wages, benefits

Yahoo News : Why home care workers in Fresno County want better wages, benefits 

Latest update on 3/15/2024 Fresno County IHSS providers continue their fight for a contract with livable wages and health care.

Last month, Fresno also had a briefing event, where community allies gathered to support Fresno workers who deserve good healthcare and strong wages by signing onto our PutCareFirst support letter.  

Workers are rising up to say enough is enough. There is already a care cliff crisis in Fresno County, where one in five IHSS providers say they are considering leaving the care industry for competitive paying jobs with healthcare benefits. Over the next few months leading up to summer, our 2015 members in Fresno County will hold actions to make their voices heard to WIN their well-deserved healthcare! It’s time to Put Care First, folks! 

Fresno County IHSS updates

Click here to see photos

Click here to see all the press coverage

Over the past year, Fresno County In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) workers have rallied at the Fresno County Board of Supervisors to reject the board’s proposed poverty wages and threats to eliminate healthcare coverage for IHSS workers. With the money they’d “save” by eliminating our healthcare, they say they’ll bring their shockingly low offer of a 15¢ raise up to 85¢. This would push care workers to find their own insurance or onto government assistance like Medi-Cal—a tacit acknowledgement that the wages they offer caregivers is so low.

Currently, one in five home care providers say they may leave the industry, citing low wages and lack of benefits. There is already a shortage of providers. In 2022, nearly a million authorized care hours went unused in Fresno County, indicating thousands of people in the county having difficulty finding care. 

  • More than 80% of IHSS providers in Fresno County reported working multiple jobs – at least some of the time – just to make ends meet. That’s 4 out of every 5 providers in the county. 
  • More than 42% of IHSS providers in Fresno County experience consistent food insecurity, relying on CalFresh and/or food banks at least monthly. 
  • Nearly 55% of IHSS providers in Fresno County have difficulty paying their mortgage or rent each month, with many reporting that they are sometimes or always late with their payments.
  • More than 55% of IHSS providers in Fresno County are sometimes or often unable to access medication because they cannot afford the cost of prescriptions.

Read IHSS Provider Wendy Davenport’s Story

“Being a provider is a tough profession. You need to have a deep passion for helping those in need. I care for my sister, and even though every minute is worth it, it’s still tough work; it’s a real job, and it needs to get treated like that.”

Read IHSS Provider Mark Blodgett’s Story  

“ I love what I do. I just wish I could get paid in a way that shows how hard I work. But not just me. It’s all caregivers. We all need better pay and better insurance, if this system is going to stay upright. Something’s got to change, at this point, and I’m happy to fight for that change. Personally, without good healthcare coverage, I’d never be able to afford the medication I need to live. The stakes are life and death for me.”

Read IHSS Provider Bill Peterson’s Story

“We know Fresno is on a care cliff crisis. And this work is hard — period. Caring for my son, Jack, I know not everyone is cut out to do it. It’s time for the Fresno County Board of Supervisors to understand we mean business, and investing in care is vital not just to this county, but across the state. I love my job, it’s what I wake up each day proud to do. I just wish providers like me can have a pathway to livable wages and keep our healthcare without pushing us toward government assistance like Medi-Cal on our low wages. The time to ‘Put Care First’ is NOW.”

Read IHSS Provider Chue Moua’s Story

“If I didn’t have two jobs, I wouldn’t be able to afford groceries or pay my other bills. Just last month, I remember having barely enough to get me through the weeks. I have to calculate each cent and ensure I’ll make it out on the other side next month. It’s not right.”

Read IHSS Provider Christy Clark’s Story

We caregivers want to be more self-sufficient, which the Fresno County Board should also want. Why won’t they invest in the county’s long-term care? I feel like my community very much values what I do, but the Supervisors don’t value us as caregivers.”

The Fresno IHSS campaign has been pushing back and making noise. Workers this past year have been determined to have their voices heard and not lose their healthcare. For these care providers, it’s a matter of life and death. See our press coverage here.

Click below to watch ABC30 coverage of our Board of Supervisors Action:

One particular action that took place at the Fresno Board of Supervisor Hall was one meant to bring attention to IHSS workers’ most pressing contract issues: the need for stronger wages and the right to keep their healthcare coverage, which the BOS has been threatening to take away and replace with a far less equitable system. Read the full article here. 

Click below to watch KMPH-FOX coverage of our Board of Supervisors Action:

See coverage details here:

SEIU Demands Wage Increase and Fair Benefit – Hmong News TV