This is an anonymous survey. We do not collect names or emails to track any responses to these questions.Economic These questions will go over the cost of different things in your everyday life. Your answers will help us build advocacy campaigns based on our members’ needs.Do you work multiple jobs to make ends meet? Yes No Sometimes Do you utilize public assistance? Yes I have in the past No If yes, or if you have in the past, select any that apply to you. Section 8 CalFresh MediCal How often do you rely on CalFresh and/or food banks? Once a week Every couple of weeks Monthly Once in a while, whenever needed No Housing Typically, it’s recommended that folks spend about 30% of their income on housing, but the cost of living has made it impossible in most areas. In our fight for affordable housing and higher wages, this data will help get a better understanding of housing affordability for our members. What is your current housing situation? I live by myself I live with roommate(s) I live with a partner and/or my family members I’m in between housing I’m currently unhoused Do you feel like the number of people you live with is right for your living space? No, my home is overcrowded Yes, my home is the right size for me Do you ever struggle to pay your mortgage/rent? I never have problems with paying my mortgage/rent I’m sometimes late to pay my mortgage/rent I’m always late paying my mortgage/rent N/A How much of your income is spent on housing? Less than 30% 30-50% 50-75% Over 75% Transportation Transportation can be a barrier for some of our members. These questions focus on understanding how you get around and the cost of transportation.Do you get around with your own car or do you solely utilize public transportation? I own my own car I sometimes borrow a car I solely use public transportation I bike or walk Do you miss regular maintenance on your car because it’s too expensive? Yes Sometimes No Are you behind on your car payments? Yes No, but I’ve skipped payments in the past No How would you rate your transit system on a scale of 1-5: 1 – Very reliable 2 – Somewhat reliable 3 – It’s ok 4 – Somewhat unreliable 5 – Completely unreliable HealthcareDo you have healthcare coverage? Medi-Cal Health insurance provided in my IHSS contract Health insurance provided through another employer I purchase my own health insurance I’m covered by my spouse/significant other’s or parent’s health insurance None I skip buying medicine because I can't afford it. Often Sometimes Rarely Never I skip doctor appointments because I worry about the cost. Often Sometimes Rarely Never We do not collect names or emails to track any responses to these questions. However, if you would like to share your story about economic insecurity due to low wages and benefits, please email field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.