The past month has shown that we’ve got our work cut out for us as we continue our push for justice – our embrace of diversity and accessibility, our demand for just immigration policy, our efforts to win unions for all, and to protect Medicaid.
Along with building union power across the state, SEIU 2015 is defending and advancing the Justice Agenda members established several years ago and reaffirmed in our 2024 Member Convention. It’s all part of building an effective, equitable, and dignified Future of Care.
Join us to resist budget cuts to Medicaid (Medi-Cal)
We’re mobilizing to protect vital Medicaid services from proposed budget cuts. In addition to ripping healthcare away from seniors, children and veterans, cuts to Medicaid would hurt SEIU home care and nursing home workers and other healthcare professionals whose jobs are funded by the program.
Please call Congress and urge them to protect Medicaid. It only takes a minute and it makes a difference. The number to call is 1-866-426-2631.We’ve been loudly telling our elected leaders how devastating these cuts would be. In Bakersfield, Corona, and Tustin, SEIU 2015 members gathered with Health Access California, California Pan-Ethnic Health Network (CPEHN), unions and community members at Fight For Our Health community town halls.
Click here to see photos from the Medicaid town halls.

In NorCal, we made it clear to our Congresspeople how much we love Medicaid. Last week we joined Hand in Hand (a network of domestic employers) and Caring Across Generations to visit Congressional offices across the state. During these visits, we delivered Valentines cards signed by hundreds of caregivers and allies.
Click here to see photos from our #WeLoveMedicaid week of action.

We won’t stand for attacks on immigrants
President Trump’s attacks on immigrants impact millions of working families, including many SEIU members. But we’re not backing down. SEIU leaders and members are calling out the President for scapegoating immigrants, educating the public about their rights, and moving other strategies to reduce the harm caused by these attacks.
Information is power, and we’re making resources about your immigration rights available on our website. Click here to learn more.Join the fight beyond this moment—sign up for the Caregiver Action Fund to keep advocating for policies that protect caregivers, our communities, and the future of care.
Welcome new care workers to our union!
In recent weeks, 63 workers at Santa Monica Healthcare Center and 51 workers at Pioneer House in Sacramento won their union and became part of the SEIU 2015 family! They’re on their way to winning new union contracts with higher wages, better benefits, and staffing solutions that will benefit workers and residents alike.
Welcome our new Executive VP: Marcus McRae-Alexander
Our amazing Executive Vice President Dereck Smith has stepped down after nearly three decades in the labor movement. It’s bittersweet to say goodbye to such a wonderful leader and friend, but I’m excited to announce that our Executive Board has elected an excellent replacement: Marcus McRae-Alexander.
Marcus joined the labor movement and our SEIU family in 2012, and has played nearly every organizing role in our union since that time. Now more than ever, the labor movement needs passionate, strategic leadership, and that’s exactly what Marcus brings to the table.
Celebrating our diversity without apology
This union is strong because of our diversity and our commitment to building cross-racial solidarity. The union has been celebrating Black History Month with events across the state, lifting up Black leaders of the past and honoring the incredible Black labor leaders we have among us today.
Ramadan Mubarak!