In November, Sacramento IHSS providers celebrated National Family Caregivers Month with two powerful actions. At the November 7th Board of Supervisors meeting, members delivered powerful public testimony about the urgent need for livable wages for IHSS providers. Our collective voice again attracted the attention of local media, with KFBK News Radio interviewing Sacramento IHSS provider Alvenia Scott and SEIU Local 2015 President Arnulfo De La Cruz.
Listen: KFBK News Radio’s coverage of Sacramento long-term care workers demanding livable wages and adequate healthcare benefits!
Then, member leaders continued the pressure by embarking on a community education drive – door knocking in the neighborhoods of Supervisors Pat Hume and Rich Desmond.
The collective power of these member leaders convinced nearly 50 neighbors across Sacramento County to join the fight and urge their Supervisor to pass a strong IHSS contract with livable wages!

Click here to read more about the countywide community education drive in our recent press release!
As we continue fighting for a strong IHSS contract that raises standards for providers and recipients, we need to keep up the pressure and bring the County back to the bargaining table! 💪
As more providers and allies add their voice to the hundreds of Sacramentans calling for an immediate raise in standards for Sacramento’s care community, our collective voice will only grow louder.