SEIU Members Applaud Supreme Court Ruling: Taxpayer Deception Act is OFF the November Ballot

Press Contact:
Maya Polon,
Maria Elena Jauregui, 818-355-5291 (Spanish Language Media)
June 20, 2024

Sacramento, CA – Members of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) in California enthusiastically applauded the California Supreme Court’s ruling that the Taxpayer Deception Act may not move forward on the November ballot. David Huerta, President of SEIU California and SEIU United Service Workers West, made the following statement

“Today’s California Supreme Court ruling affirms what 700,000 SEIU members in California have long known: the Taxpayer Deception Act was a flagrant attempt by a few extremely wealthy real estate developers to undermine our entire democratic system and our voice as voters and devastate the vital services Californians rely on – all to avoid paying their fair share. 

“We commend Governor Newsom and legislative leaders for standing up for our communities and the rule of law by challenging this corporate attack on our Constitution in court. Today’s ruling is a strong warning to corporate interests that even those with the fattest pocketbooks will be held accountable to follow our laws. 

“SEIU members will never stop fighting for our vision of a just and equal California, where worker strength fuels real, sustainable, and broadly shared economic growth and prosperity, a strong safety net gives every child and family an opportunity to thrive, and everyone contributes their fair share for the services our communities rely upon.”
